Week 4: Contract vs. covenant

Say this next sentence out loud as you read- Marriage is meant to be a covenant, not a contract. Now stop and think and ask yourself, what kind of marriage do I currently have? 
In regards to the importance of making marriage a covenant instead of a contract,  love the quote that says “when it comes to marriage, a covenant mentality keeps our hearts and minds where they need to be.” I love this quote because so much of our lives is based on mindset. When we are in the correct mindset, we can get through anything. In my life, to ensure that my marriage is a covenant marriage instead of a contractual marriage, I am going to make sure there is enough time spent in the dating process before I get married. Knowing my future spouse is such an important part of marriage to me. I will also make sure there is enough time taken out for the two of us. As time goes on, life gets busy and there will be hard times in my marriage. If time isn’t set apart to have fun with each other, it will be hard to have enjoyment in marriage. Even though I am not married, I have set a goal for the future. It’s the 2/2/2/ rule where every two weeks there will be a night out, every two months a two day trip and every two years a two week trip. Doing this will give something for my spouse and I to look forward to and we can continue getting to know and grow together even when life gets busy. In a talk given by Bruce C. Hafen, he talks about marriage being tested by 3 wolves. Those three are natural adversity, own imperfections, and excessive individualism. Out of the three wolves, I think the most detrimental one to our society is natural adversity. Satan can be very powerful if we aren’t aware of Him. Things such as pornography, adultery and other temptations can be detrimental to a marriage and can be very hard to repair afterwards. 
From the teachings of one of the presidents of the church, president Benson, I was able to learn about the importance of teaching our children of the temple. (A temple in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day-saints is a place of worship, similar to a church building). I think this is vital because we don’t talk about it as much as we should. It’s good to remind our children to make the temple an important part of their lives. Our temple covenants are what qualify us for the blessing of the celestial kingdom. The temple is meant to be sacred but not secret and I think it’s important that our children know the temple is a constant reminder that God plans for the family to be eternal. 
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